怪屋/畸形屋(英文版) 作者:阿加莎·克里斯蒂

    第 13 章

    Look here, Sophia, y presea useful re exi&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> rephter's fian eronthe police fordertaker Magda Leohey periou&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> Has any asked you?

     aski;B&<a /&B&&#et="_blank">/&B&'t<> matte&B&<a /&B&oo&B&/&B&" target="_blank">/&B&oo&B&/&B&<> celoo&b&<a /" target="_blank">/<> 文字首发无弹窗&/b&p, and hearbarrassed manner anner, ahe roomeans al&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> the floor bel&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> very sharp ae personality.

    She all ple dark red aoodonides saida quie&B&<a /&B&usba="_blank">/&B&usband<>, Chie&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> ethodsattaining them.

    And Mrs Brenda Leonides?

    Brenda? I ;<a /&B&et="_blank">/&B&ome<> kinda love affair? I shouldn't think so. But I reall&B&<a /&B&ather&#et="_blank">/&B&ather's<> death?

    Death oreless outthe gutter and thishi&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> murdered himc&b&<a /" target="_blank">/<> 文字首发无弹窗&/b&d boilthinkit.

    Have you any particular reas that? Taverner asked.

    第 13 章


