怪屋/畸形屋(英文版) 作者:阿加莎·克里斯蒂

    第 16 章

    Taverner e, Laurenc&B&<a /&B&"_blank">/&B&<>

    G,quoeye, dreean Leonides  i  I assure you, I'm i.

    I have hing else.

    Taverner paused. Mrs Leonides panionmoreless her t;<a /&B&othi="_blank">/&B&othing<> more, Iassur&B&<a /&B&&#et="_blank">/&B&'s<> mest thingsthat kind! Monstrous! I e takeedue Leonides and Mrs Leo;B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> urderer?

    If you ask me, said Sergeant Lamb, he'd he nerve.

    He'd never have bashed ahe head,shot of&B&<a /&B&istet="_blank">/&B&istol<>, agreed the spep;Butthis particular crime paratively painless manner.

    qut;<a /" target="_blank">/<> 文字首发无弹窗&/b&asia, said the Sergeant. And then, perhaps, afte&B&<a /&B&et" target="_blank">/&B&et<> interval, marriag&B&<a /&B&met="_blank">/&B&mouled upon her, and anagedscare him all right, but that doesn&#t;<a /&B&&#et="_blank">/&B&'s<> justlikelybe scaredhe'&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> as about any goings on?

    The parlourmaid says they&#t;<a /&B&egiarget="_blank">/&B&egihere reallyhem.lookedme. Go ba&B&<a /&B&&#et="_blank">/&B&'d<> like your impressionher.

    第 16 章


