怪屋/畸形屋(英文版) 作者:阿加莎·克里斯蒂

    第 42 章

    My God,cried. Ho say that te? said Eustace.

    I had hardly aoe! said Eustace. It'&B&<a /&B&am="_blank">/&B&amned<> shame! &B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<>

    &hHaviland gav&B&<a /&B&harp" target="_blank">/&B&harp<> cligue.

    rol, she murmured.

    I knoustafter him.

    Noself once more.

    You played your cards very e. I took hermy arms.

    Thistoo muuch.

    He'll get over it.

    other 't play th&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> suspiciously.

    I'm begiaher eventimportance.

    I b go&B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> e air an&B&<a /&B&xercise" target="_blank">/&B&xercise<>, &B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> the gate there's ale exercise.

    Then she said abruptly:

    You've givehe sack, &B&<a /&B&" target="_blank">/&B&<> you don't trust him.

    第 42 章


